Leopold Stokowski

[table caption=”Disney Animated Appearances” colalign=”center|center|left|center|left”] TitleScreen[attr sort=”false”]|Film|Character/Performance|[attr sort=”false”]|Notes[attr sort=”false”]

|Fantasia|Leopold Stokowski||live-action


[table caption=”Awards”] Award|Year|Date|Winner/ Nominee|Category|Work|Notes

Academy Award|1941|1942/02/26|Winner|Special Award|Fantasia|To Leopold Stokowski and his associates for their unique achievement in the creation of a new form of visualized music in Walt Disney‘s production, Fantasia, thereby widening the scope of the motion picture as entertainment and as an art form; certificate of merit
Emmy Award|1971|1971/05/09|Winner|Outstanding Single Program – Variety or Musical – Classical Music|NET Festival (PBS)|nominated with Curtis W. Davis and Thomas Slevin
Grammy Award|1977|1977/02/19|Winner|Trustees Award||A dominating force in the advancement of both American music and recording techniques for more than half a century, for his outstanding musical achievements, his encouragement of young musicians, his long and deep dedication to the arts and sciences of recording.



The Completist Geek's goal is to list all performers and characters in Disney's animated movies. Information from the movie's credits appears in bold. All other information appears in normal text. Live-action and non-Disney components are included in italics. Additional sources are here.

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Everything else is © The Completist Geek