Corey Burton

[table caption=”Disney Animated Appearances” colalign=”center|center|left|center|left”] TitleScreen[attr sort=”false”]|Film|Character/Performance|[attr sort=”false”]|Notes[attr sort=”false”]

|Fantasia|Deems Taylor||voice dub for the 2000 restoration



[table caption=”Awards”] Award|Year|Date|Winner/ Nominee|Category|Work|Notes

Annie Award|2002|2003/02/01|Winner|Outstanding Individual Achievement in Voice Acting in an Animated Television Production|Disney’s House of Mouse as the voice of Ludwig von Drake|

Annie Award|2002|2003/02/01|Nominee|Outstanding Individual Achievement in Voice Acting in an Animated Feature Production|Disney’s Return to Neverland as the voice of Captain Hook|lost to Daveigh Chase as the voice of Lilo in Lilo and Stitch

Annie Award|2010|2011/02/05|Nominee|Best Voice Acting in an Animated Television Production|Star Wars: The Clone Wars as Baron Papnoida|lost to James Hong as Mr. Ping in Kung Fu Panda Holiday




The Completist Geek's goal is to list all performers and characters in Disney's animated movies. Information from the movie's credits appears in bold. All other information appears in normal text. Live-action and non-Disney components are included in italics. Additional sources are here.

All images and original copyrights belong to their respective holders.

Everything else is © The Completist Geek